Kill Idea

R: Touch

The target must save or lose a belief, the scale of which is dependent on the [dice] invested.

  • 1 [dice]: Coherent single thought. “Someone should kill the king”, “You’re lying to me about this topic”, “Hey, that guy just picked my pocket”. Temporary; while the thought is permanently lost the information that led to it is still present.
  • 2 [dice]: Implications and complex knowledge. Research on the management of the kingdom, topic expertise which contradicts the lie, knowledge of the content of their pockets. Long-term; the knowledge will have to be recreated.
  • 3 [dice]: Motivations. The belief that the king is an oppressor, the will or talent to learn the topic, the desire to own material goods. Effectively permanent, though these may eventually be regained.
  • 4 [dice]: Definite knowledge. Understanding of “kingdom” or “oppression”, knowledge that a topic exists, the concept of “ownership” or “haeccity” or “object permanence”. Cannot be undone.
Kill + Idea
From Numbers Aren’t Real’s Metatron
Written on November 13, 2020